JUNE 2019
photo credit - National Geographic
Easter Island, a Chilean territory, is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia. Its native name is Rapa Nui. It’s famed for archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called moai, created by inhabitants during the 13th–16th centuries. The moai are carved human figures with oversize heads, often resting on massive stone pedestals called ahus. Ahu Tongariki has the largest group of upright moai.
This marathon provides the opportunity to run on one of the most remote inhabited islands. Easter Island lies 2,300 miles from land of any significance. A tiny speck in the middle of the South Pacific, the island is roughly triangular in shape with its rocky shores. A Chilean territory since 1888, Easter Island has a population of 4,000 who live primarily in Hanga Roa, the island’s only town. The island is known for its famous imposing stone statues (moai), which punctuate the landscape and on average stand 13 feet high and with 14 tons ~ Marathon Tours
photo credit - Exotic Races
Video provided by Marathon Tours